Have you always wanted to enclose your outdoor shower? Eastern Shore Porch and Patio can help!
Adding an outdoor shower to your deck or patio area is a great way to keep your home cleaner. Outdoor showers are a unique design feature that you’ll be glad to have summer after summer. Installing an outdoor shower can be a fairly straightforward process that will look great as part of your outdoor design.
Keep Pets and Children Clean
Both kids and pets have the most fun when they’re making a mess. With an outdoor shower, you’ll never have to break up a mud fight out of fear of how dirty your home will become. Rather than dragging muddy paws and clothes through your home, simply use your outdoor shower to get rid of the mud without making more of a mess.
Get Rid of Dirt After Yard Work
If you’ve been out in the garden in the heat of summer mowing the lawn or weeding you know just how dirty and sweaty you can get. By having an outdoor shower on hand you can rinse off outdoors rather than tracking all the dirt and loose grass indoors.
Wash Away The Chlorine
If you have a backyard pool you’ve likely noticed that heading indoors to wash off is never pleasant. Either you dry off before and deal with being sticky, you head straight indoors to be greeted by freezing air conditioning, or your drag in water and dirt that then needs to be cleaned up. With an outdoor shower, you can wash off the chlorine without any of the negative side effects. If you intend your shower for this purpose you may want to consider installing a privacy screen or fence so that you can have privacy. If you choose to go for an enclosed outdoor shower you’ll need to set aside slightly more space.
Unwind On Hot Days
If you don’t have central air conditioning an outdoor shower can be a great way to relax and cool down after a long day. Taking a shower outdoors, especially on a starry summer night, will leave you exceptionally refreshed. If you have a deck or patio working an outdoor shower into the design is an easy way to add a unique feature that will get plenty of use.
Eastern Shore Porch & Patio
Eastern Shore Porch & Patio is proud to be the premier vinyl fence sales and vinyl fence installation company for the Bethany Beach, Ocean City, Lewes, and Delmarva areas. Request a quote today!
Call us today at 302-436-9520 or email us at info@esvinylproducts.com today to speak with one of our knowledgeable, experienced consultants. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Youtube for news and updates!