Is your pool safe enough for children and guests?
Now is the time to prepare your outdoor living spaces for summer! It might not be time to open your pool, but looking ahead ensures you won’t have to rush once the temperature climbs to eighty. Is your pool safe enough for children and guests? Read on to learn how you can secure the safety of your swimming pool this summer.
If your pool is on an elevated surface, railings are a necessity. Railings, both aluminum and vinyl, provide your outdoor living space with a safe, protective barrier. When railings are installed, your children can’t run off of the edge of the pool deck. Railings also keep deer and other critters away from your pool!
Safety Fence
If you have young children, a safety fence is a necessity. Children can’t be monitored at all times, and they could easily go outside and jump into the pool without your supervision. An adult needs to be present at any time that children go swimming, even if their swimming abilities are better than most. A safety fence with a dependable lock can keep your children away from the pool when you’re not there.
Pool Alarms
If you have a door leading directly to your pool, consider having a door alarm installed. There are many different alarms on the market, but the best emit a loud sound when the alarm is triggered. The sound is loud enough to alert parents and ward off curious children!
Call Eastern Shore Porch & Patio
Eastern Shore Porch & Patio is proud to be the premier vinyl fence sales and vinyl fence installation company for the Bethany Beach, Ocean City, Lewes, and Delmarva areas. Request a quote today!
Call us today at 302-436-9520 or email us at info@esvinylproducts.com today to speak with one of our knowledgeable, experienced consultants. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Youtube for news and updates!