Categories: Deck

Four Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Deck

Your deck should be a comfortable and safe outdoor living space, so it’s important to pay attention to the warning signs indicating it’s time to replace your deck.

Spring is upon us, and the drive to be outside is almost irresistible for many people. On those warm days, nothing beats coming home to a nice outdoor living space to sit and relax outside, listening to birds and feeling the warmth of the sun. Your deck should be a comfortable and safe outdoor living space. Continue reading to identify four signs indicating that it’s time for a deck replacement or repairs.

Outright Damage

The most obvious sign that would trigger an immediate decision to replace your deck is visible damage. If there is any cracking, splitting, or warping of the boards that you can see, you need to have the deck assessed for safety. Deck boards that are missing or have holes are also an obvious safety concern. Address these issues as soon as possible since they could cause serious harm if someone gets hurt by them.


The deck boards aren’t the only things that can be damaged on your deck. Even if the boards are intact, the support structure below them could easily be damaged, especially if you can see sagging or bowing of the deck. This is a major safety hazard that should be addressed right away.

Rot Or Insect Damage

If your deck hasn’t been well-maintained, rot can quickly become a big issue, often leading to either or both of the issues above. If you can see visible rot on your deck, you need to remove and replace that section. You should also have a decking professional come out to assess the rest of the structure for safety, just in case the rot is more widespread than you can see. Insect damage from termites or carpenter bees can also cause similar problems. Even if the insect issue is addressed, the damage they’ve already done makes it easier for water and rot to weaken the rest of the structure. If you see any insect damage, you should have a professional assess the structure to see if you need a new deck installation.

Fasteners That Pop

If you’ve got nails popping up all over your deck or screws that won’t stay in, this is a sign of some serious damage. Make sure that you are checking all of your fasteners seasonally. If they aren’t safely holding the deck together as they should be, consider having a contractor come out and give an estimate for repairing or replacing it.

Trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio

When you embark on your next project for your property, trust Eastern Shore Porch and Patio to help. We service Bethany Beach, Ocean City, Lewes, Salisbury, and the Delmarva area. You can request a quote today! If you have questions or concerns, call us at 302-436-9520 or send us an email at info@esvinylproducts.com. For updates and ideas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

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